CAAL E-News #50 (February 6, 2015) – This last issue of the CAAL ENews announces the launch of Adult Learning Partners, LLC. It contains features on the Department of Agriculture's SNAP E&T Program, a Health LIteracy discussion sponsored by the Institute for Advancement of Health and two conferences, and a presentation of recent data from multiple sources that shows the enormity of the adult education need in America. Several news items are also presented in the Other News section. CAAL E-News #49 (September 8, 2014) – This issue of the CAAL ENews features a message from CAAL's founder and president on CAAL's coming closure; news from the American Institutes for Reserach about the PIAAC databases, a new health literacy reserach competition, and other important matters; an item on health literacy month in October with numerous resources for those planning activitites; and other news. CAAL E-News #48 (August 10, 2014) – A collection of essays from 30 state and national leaders in adult education and workforce skills education. The collection was developed by CAAL, and is introduced by CAAL president Gail Spangenberg, to help stimulate thinking and action as the field moves into implementing and building on the recently-enacted Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). CAAL E-News #47 (August 8, 2014) – The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), signed into law on July 22, is discussed in this issue. Ongoing information sources from the Departments of Labor and Education are given along with a brief summary of some of the key provisions in WIOA for Adult Education. A second feature of the issue has to do with a groundbreaking new guidebook for building health literate organizations. The 188-page work is designed for medical and lay personnel and written in clear concise simple language. CAAL E-News #46 (July 10, 2014) – This issue announces that the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is on its way to the President for signature, following Senate and House approval. Senate approval was by a vote of 97-3 on June 25th and House approval was by a vote of 415-6 on July 9th. Guidance is given on expressing thanks to the bill's sponsors and calls and letters to urge appropriate funding for Adult Education. CAAL E-News Issue #45 (June 16, 2014) – Featured is PAST GAINS, FUTURE GOALS (Part I) announcing a CAAL Blog Series, in which state and national leaders offer "futures" thinking and near-future highest priority needs. Contributors in Part I, which is intended to foreshadow the series, are Ray Marshall (former U.S. Secretary of Labor), David Rosen (advocate, Newsome Associates), and Eugene Sofer (Federal Legislative Advisor). Messages from about two dozen other leaders will appear in late August and/or early September. A second section of Issue #45, NEW FOUNDATIONS FOR ADULT EDUCATION, discusses the wide support for WIOA from numerous national organizations including the National Governors Association and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and an upcoming report from OCTAE of the U.S. Department of Education on its program response to the PIAAC data. OTHER NEWS announces two essays by Garrett Murphy, Senior CAAL Advisor, on Adult Education issues in the Immigration Act. It also reports on an important national skills survey by the Manufacturing Institute. CAAL E-News #44 (May 29, 2014) – IT'S A BIG DEAL: WIOA Introduced in Congress is a discussion of WIOA, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act introduced by a bi-cameral, bipartisan group of Senate and House leaders on May 21st. The bill enjoys wide support in its current form, would be a total replacement of WIA, and this newsletter coverage provides links to the full biill and summaries of it. OTHER NEWS includes an item on new publications released by the Joyce Foundation and an American Council on Education initiative to rethink the future purposes of the GED. CAAL E-News Issue #43 (May 20, 2014) – CAPITOL HILL BRIEFING ON ADULT EDUCATION – On May 15, in cooperation with Sen. Jack Reed's office, a CAAL panel of top professionals provided a "facts and figures" briefing to Senate and House legislative aides and outside leaders. The Briefing aimed to provide information from recent reserach sources that make such a strong case for the urgent need to expand services and invesments in Adult Educaiton. AIR's PIAAC RESEARCH AWARDS announces the seven winners of AIR's recent competition for research projects related to the PIAAC Data. NEWS IN BRIEF provides other news (including an interim report from OCTAE on Making Skills Everyone's Business, its new initiative planned in response to PIAAC). CAAL Special Issue: Remembering Sam Halperin (May 8, 2014) – Reflecting on the contributions made by adult education champion Sam Halperin to the enactment of the Adult Education Act of 1966 and subsequent developments in Adult Education. CAAL E-News Issue #42 (March 17, 2014) – CAAL CONGRESSIONAL CHAMPION AWARDS (Senator Jack Reed and Rep. Reuben Hinojosa receive outstanding leadership awards for their support of the AEEGA and adult education/workforce skills development generally); CAAL's INVITATION TO A ROUNDTABLE report and other recent CAAL publications are announced; the BARBARA BUSH FOUNDATION celebrates 25 years; and OTHER NEWS. CAAL E-News Issue #41 (February 5, 2014) – A HALF CENTURY: The Federal Role in Adult Education (a new report on the legislative history of the federal role in Adult Educaiton, 1964-2013, by Gary Eyre for the NOVA Research Corporation; CAAL AT WORK: WIA, Workforce Skills, & Adult Education (discussing WIA, the Biden review of programs that provide education/training for skills upgrading and employability, and related new publications and activity at CAAL); NEWS IN BRIEF (Library of Congress 2014 Literacy Awards and new resources in the field). CAAL E-News Issue #40 (December 16, 2013) – CAAL & YOU: Meeting 2014 Together (Year-End Appeal); NEWS IN BRIEF (Planning a PIAAC Response by OVAE, New Skills Toolkit from the Manufacturing Institute, Update on IHA's Health Literacy Listserv, The Game Changers from Complete College America, and Canada's Centre for Literacy Summer Institute Announcement) CAAL Blog Announcement (November 5, 2013) – An article by CAAL President Gail Spangenberg about the need to "get the story right" in conversations about and actions to the U.S. findings from the international PIAAC Assessment. In a nutshell, the story is about out of school adults 16 and older, and adult education not K-12 or colleges. CAAL E-News Issue #39 (October 16, 2013) – WIA NEEDS YOU (an alert to the field urging organizations to consider signing onto a letter to Congress re the importance of passing WIA in this session); LIFELONG LEARNING, a feature on adult education as the foundation for lifelong learning; NEW IN HEALTH LITERACY; ALSO WORTHY OF NOTE (Indiana Chamber of Commerce report on adult education and workforce skills development needs and goals in that state, and an announcement of the three groups awarded the Library of Congress literacy awards for 2013). CAAL Blog Announcement (October 10, 2013) – An article by CAAL President Gail Spangenberg about the role of media in reporting the U.S. findings from the international PIAAC Assessment. CAAL E-News Issue #38 (September 30, 2013) – STEPPING UP TO ROI IN ADULT EDUCATION: A Survey of State Activity; TASC & HiSET: New Routes to High School Equivalency; and HUMAN Interest (Laura Boushnak's Education & Literacy Among Arab Women, and the Mark Musick 2013 Lifelong Learning Awardees) CAAL E-News Issue #37 (September 5, 2013) – THE GED: A Wise Investment; POINT OF VIEW: Federal Adult Education Funding (Gail Spangenberg on the shrinking federal dollar); Update on CAAL's ROI Project: and NEWS IN BRIEF (Manufacturing Institute (of NAM) Certificates Awarded, and First Library of Congress Adult Literacy Awards) CAAL E-News Issue #36 (June 20, 2013) – Give to Help CAAL, Update #3 on PIAAC, WIA Status in the Senate, and Other New Resources (Helping Adult Learners Navigate Community College and the Labor Market; Addressing the Health Literacy Needs of Adult Education Students; Pathways to improvement: Using Psychological Strategies to Help College Students Master Developmental Math; Enhancing GED Instruction to Prepare Students for College and Careers: Early Success in LaGuardia Community College's Bridge to Health and Business Program; and IES Announced FY2014 Research Competitions) CAAL E-News Issue #35 (April 17, 2013) – Update on PIAAC, CIAW Revisited, Advancing WIA, In The Works at CAAL, and New Resources (new research publications and ongoing policy papers from the National Coalition for Literacy, McGraw-Hill Research Foundation, the Migration Policy Institute, The Center on Education and the Workforce of Georgetown University, and The Hamilton Project. Also announcing the two community college winners of the 2013 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. CAAL E-News Issue #34 (February 18, 2013) – HOUSE DEMOCRATS REINTRODUCE WIA (HR798); CAAL NEWS IN BRIEF [Going to Scale Blog Posting, ROI Study in Process); and OTHER BREAKING NEWS (KY’s Learn on Demand, Program Report from Consortium for Worker Education, Interim Evaluation of Joyce Foundation's Shifting Gears; There and Home Again, Safely (Health Literacy); Essay by Louis Soares for ACE, on post-traditional learners and colleges; and new publications from CLASP] CAAL Blog Announcement (January 8, 2013) – Thoughts from six national leaders on the "graying" of adult education. CAAL E-News Issue #33 (December 11, 2012) – PIAAC IN YOUR FUTURE (a first alert to the OECD's recently-completed International Assessment of Adult Competencies, for which findings will be available in October 2013); "TIS THE SEASON; OTHER NEWS (It's Never Too Late to Learn, Kirkwood Pathways for Academic Career Education and Employment, Kerchne's Education Technology Policy for a 21st Century, The Health Literacy Advisor, Goodling Institute's Annotated Bibliography of new research and writing in family literacy) CAAL E-News Issue #32 (November 15, 2012) – ROI REVISITED (announcing a new CAAL Blog posting); THINK BACK, LOOK FORWARD (CAAL's year-end holiday appeal to individuals); POINT OF VIEW: The Coming Jobs War. CAAL E-News Issue #31 (October 3, 2012) – CAAL BLOG LAUNCHED (in "Thinking Out Loud" CAAL staff express personal ideas and concerns related to the future effectiveness of adult education, and invite reader response); A LEAKING BUCKET IN HEALTH CARE (the role of pharmicists in improving healthcare by more actively participating in health literacy); WE NEED WIA IN OUR FUTURE (an essay urging Congress to enact without further delay a reformed and reauthorized WIA including the Adult Education and Economic Growth Act and its strong provisions for adult education--written by Morton Bahr, Samuel Halperin, Ray Marshall, and Gail Spangenberg); ADULT EDUCATION TO COLLEGE (advances in adult transitions from adult education into college through special efforts in Kentucky, Maine, and Minnesota); and NEWS IN BRIEF (Virginia's Rural Horseshoe Initiative, new research reports in industry-recognized credentials from NRCCTE, a Brookings Institute comparison of jobs available and skill levels in major metropolitan areas, a LINCS Workforce Education glossary, and a new assessment e-Newsletter from CTB//McGraw-Hil). CAAL E-News Issue #30 (August 7, 2012 Special Issue) – ACTION ALERT: WORKFORCE WEDNESDAYS (CIAW campaign for community involvement in advancing the message to Congress that funding needs to be preserved for adult education and workforce skills development programs); OTHER LEADING EDGE NEWS (McGraw-Hill Education's Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), an alternative high school equivalency exam; The New York Times online publication for low-skilled basic readers, "The Times in Plain English"; and a new series on the Sundance Channel, Get Ready…Get Set…GET TO WORK, and the STRIVE job training program to which it is geared). CAAL E-News Issue #29 (July 30, 2012) – IN A TIME OF SCARCE RESOURCES (new CAAL report on the importance of setting priorities in adult education and what 24+ leaders suggest as top priorities); NEWS IN BRIEF (reports and news from CLASP, CAP, EdSource, CAEL, GED Testing Service, workforce development in Chicago and Illinois, ACT, and the National Coalition for Literacy); and HUMAN INTEREST (The Mary and H.L. Musick Lifelong Learning Award). CAAL E-News Issue #28 (June 14, 2012) -- NO CLEAR PATH ON WIA; OTHER NEWS (Teaching Patients with Low Literacy Skills, Manufacturing Institute Gains in Workforce Credentialing, The Promise of Career Pathways Systems Change, CAAL Futures Project) CAAL E-News Issue #27 (May 1, 2012) –- ON THE MOVE WITH CLASP (several recent research reports and other resources); OTHER NEWS (TABE Adaptive, 2012 NRS Changes, Technical Support from LaGuardia Community College, Immigration Policy and Less-Skilled Workers, 4-volume document on contextualized learning from a workshop by Tom Sticht); and CAAL funding appeal. CAAL E-News Special Issue #26 (March 30, 2012) –- Announces Random Acts of Progress: Certification of Readiness for Jobs & College, by James Parker and Gail Spangenberg. This report is the culmination of CAAL's project to examine the status and issue in certification of adult students. It reviews exemplary national and state certification models, recent research, and troublesome issues and questions that need to be addressed to move forward in thinking and action in this area. Issue #26 also includes an update on the House Democratic and Republican bills to reauthorize WIA. CAAL E-News Issue #25 (February 9, 2012) –- FACTS, FIGURES, & IMMINENT DANGER. Recent reports from Institute for Women's Policy Research, NCSDAE, CLASP, and Education Week on troubling trends in employment prospects for low-skilled women, adult education funding and enrollment patterns, and the impact of lower state budgets on level and range of adult education service. Also, Migration Policy Institute's "E Pluribus Unum Prizes", and Senator Tom Harkin's "Rebuilding the Middle Class" and CAAL's letter to him regarding the role of adult education. CAAL E-News Special Issue #24 (February 1, 2012) –- A special announcement to help publicize the launch of the Campaign to Invest in America's Workforce (CIAW) and its related website--which has 35 founding member organizations, including CAAL and the two convening organizations, the National Skills Coalition and Jobs for the Future. CAAL E-News Issue #23 (January 26, 2012) –- FUN WITH READING & MATH, and NEWS IN BRIEF (NCFL-Toyota Teacher of the Year Awards, New CLASP Analyses & Resources, Recent LEP Data in the U.S., Dramatic Rise in Working Poor Families, Gray Construction Recognizes Importance of Workforce Development, A Look at Developmental Education, Results of Performance-Based Scholarships in NY & NM, Change Agent-A Civic and Social Justice Resource, EFF and the Common Core Standards, CAEL & NGA Invite Groups to Discuss Mature Talent in the Workforce, and A New Financial Literacy Paper by McGraw-Hill Research Foundation. CAAL E-News Issue #22 (December 5, 2011) – A Message from CAAL's President (year-end fund appeal), Update on Workforce Investment Act, CLASP Analysis of AEEGA HR2226, NCFL's Libraries & Family Award Program, State Credentialing Guidelines from NSC, Aligning Community Colleges and Workforce Needs in MA, and Leadership Change at Barbara Bush Foundation. CAAL E-News Issue #20 (September 13, 2011) – Announces two new CAAL publications: Facing the Challenge of Numeracy in Adult Education (the 44-page final report of a two-year adult numeracy project by CAAL's Forrest Chisman, 9/13/11), and ROI From Investing in Workforce Development (a 4-page policy brief by Andrew Sum of the Center for Labor Market Studies a Northeastern University, 9/9/11). CAAL E-News Issue #19 (August 15, 2011) – NEWS IN BRIEF...National Workforce Week of Action (8/15-19/11), Technology and Student Centered Learning, Teacher Effectiveness in Education (AIR), Kentucky's Adult Education Plans Through 2015, GED Through Distance Learning in Pennsylvania, Literacy Partners' PUSH to Harlem, Improving Access to Apprenticeships Across the Country, and Aligning Career Ed with High-Wage Demand Jobs in TN. Also, SPOTLIGHT ON...Stew Leonard's and Johns Hopkins Hospital. CAAL E-News Issue #18 (July 28, 2011) – CAAL Releases Adult Numeracy Reader; WIA and AEEGA Update; "Dyslexie" Font Makes Reading Easier for Dyslexics; New Family Literacy Grant Program; Literacy in Libraries: Challenges & Opportunities; and Poetry in Adult Education. CAAL E-News Issue #17 (July 7, 2011) – NEWS IN BRIEF (Input Into Senate HELP WIA Draft; WIA and AEEGA in the House; Conference on Effective Transitions to College; Turning the Tide from MDRC; Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnershlips) and SPOTLIGHT ON...COABE. CAAL Legislative Announcement (June 21, 2011) – CAAL's comments and suggestions for the Senate Draft of the Workforce Investment Act reauthorization bill, slated for mark-up at the end of June 2011. CAAL E-News Issue #16 (May 19, 2011) – SPOTLIGHT ON...USA LEARNS and NEWS IN BRIEF (2012 Funding for DOL-HS E&T programs, House subcommittee hearing on overcoming "inefficiencies in the nation's job traininig programs", high GED to college completion rates, alternate path to federal college student aid, scaling up for low-skilled students, McGraw-Hill calls for heavy investment in adult education, linking disconnected Latino youth to programs, and how to make community service sentencing programs produce good outcomes). CAAL E-News Issue #15 (April 19, 2011) – FEATURING Work After Prison: One-Year Findings from the Transitional Jobs Reentry Demonstration; NEW CAAL PAPER RELEASED (Certifying Adult Education Students: A Survey of State Directors of Adult Education Certificate Programs in Use); and OTHER NEWS (AEEGA To Be Reintroduced in Senate and House, Proliteracy's USCAL National Conference, and Breaking the Language Barrier: A Report on English Language Services in Greater Boston). CAAL E-News Issue #14 (March 22, 2011) – ALERT: Save WIA I Campaign; Beyond Basic Skills (new publication from CLASP); Complete College America's $10 Million Grant Program; GED Testing Service Offers Computer-Based Testing; and KET-TV's Educatin Matters features one-hour program on "Adult Education for Kentuckians." CAAL News Release (February 23, 2011) – Announcing publication of CLOSING THE GAP: The Challenge of Certification & Credentialing in Adult Education, by Forrest P. Chisman, the final report on a CAAL project to examine issues of adult education teacher certification and credentialing. CAAL E-News Issue #13 (January 9, 2011) – CAAL NEWS IN BRIEF (Doing Business Together, Letter on Workforce Budgets and Appropriations, Certifying Adult Education Staff and Faculty, CAAL Website Resources); STIRRINGS IN TECHNOLOGY (Alma's TV411); IT'S A FACT; and REPORTS FROM THE FIELD (Michigan's No Worker Left Behind, Breaking New Ground: ACT Calls for National Credentialing System, Federal Funds for Integrated Service Delivery (CLASP), Adult Student Waiting List Survey, and Pathways to Prosperity: Preparing Young Adults for the 21st Century) CAAL E-News Issue #12 (December 20, 2010) – CAAL News in Brief; POINT OF VIEW (Measure of America Reinforces Need for WIA, by Gail Spangenberg); Roundup of New Reports CAAL E-News Holiday Message (December 14, 2010) – an appeal to CAAL's E-News subscribers, showing the value of CAAL's work to multiple audiences. CAAL E-News Issue #11 (November 3, 2010) – HOLIDAY GIFTING THAT KEEPS ON GIVING; NEWS IN BRIEF (CAAL Revisits Senate and House, Update on Reforming the NRS, Advancing Hispanic Workers, ABE Career Connections, The Income Gap, Transforming Michigan's Adult Learning Infrastructure, House Adult Literacy Caucus); COMMUNITY COLLEGES MOVE LOW-SKILLED ADULTS TOWARD JOBS (MDRC, Business Champions, Aspen Institute, Center for American Progress, Working Poor Families Project); NATIONAL GUARD GIVES YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS A WAY BACK. CAAL E-News Issue #10 (August 24, 2010) – NEWS IN BRIEF (Status of WIA Reauthorization, Sectors Act of 2010 H.R.1855 Passed); FEATURING SREB: A Smart Move in Tough Times; POINT OF VIEW: What We Don't Know Will Hurt Us (Eunice Askov); REFORMING THE NRS (Gail Spangenberg) CAAL E-News Issue #9 (July 7, 2009) – CAAL NEWS IN BRIEF (Senate WIA Letter; Longitudinal Data Collection in Career Pathways Programs: Core Indicators and Elements; Roundtable on Certification and Credentialing of Adult Education Teachers; and Reach Higher, America still popular. HELP WANTED: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018 (Carnevale et al); ADVANCING HISPANIC IMMIGRANT WORKERS; ALSO WORTHY OF NOTE (Crossing the Bridge: GED Credentials and Postsecondary Educational Outcomes; Guiding Developmental Math Students to Campus Services; NCSDAE Vol II of Adult Education: Supporting the President's Workforce and American Graduation Initiatives; CAELA Adult ESL Teacher Credentialing and Certification Table (Jodi Crandall and Jacqueline Lopez); and How to Build Bridge Programs That Fit Into a Career Pathway). CAAL E-News Issue #8 (April 13, 2010) – Remembering Harold W. McGraw, Jr.; New CAAL Policy Brief: Local Perspectives on WIA Reauthorization; and In The States (Minnesota's FastTRAC; Strengthening State Economic Development Systems: A Framework for Change (Working Poor Families Project); and Mapping Green Career Pathways: Job Training Opportunities and Infrastructure in Michigan). CAAL E-News Issue #7 (March 16, 2010) – New CAAL Primer on Congressional Process; In the States (Strategic Planning in CA, Skills2Compete-Maryland), Workforce Investment Act (Senate HELP hearing, WIB recommendations, OVAE community conversations, NAWB Conference Sessions on WIA), Also Worthy of Note (Tribute to Harold W. McGraw, Jr., ED's National Education-Technology Plan offered for comment, MDRC Helping Low-Wage Workers, Center for American Progress on career navigation for working learners). CAAL E-News Issue #6 (January 26, 2010) – A Message From CAAL's President; Point of View: Let's Get Real with the GED; CAAL News in Brief - Cheryl King Moderates at CIC President's Institute; Also Worthy of Note: ED Awards $8 million to JFF for Green Pathway Initiatives, Getting Serious About the GED in New York State, OVAE Selects Eight States for Customized Transition Training, MDRC Releases Report on Ways to Reduce Ex-Prisoner Recidivism, Edward Gordon Gives Chicago Federal Reserve Bank Keynote, New Report from Working Poor Families Project, Workforce Alliance Becomes National Skills Coalition, New CLASP Publications on WIA, CAEL Comments on WIA Reauthorization. CAAL E-News Issue #5 (December 10, 2009) – LOOKING FORWARD, LOOKING BACK: CAAL Roundtable Program in the Works, CAAL 2009 Publication Highlights; CAAL NEWS IN BRIEF (includes preview of Business Roundtable "Springboard Project" report); and ALSO WORTHY OF NOTE: AFL-CIO on Actively Engaging WIBs, NCSDAE Helps State ABE Directors Develop Career Pathway Programs, TWA Analysis Underscores Importance of Skills Upgrading Job Training to Success of Jobs Bill, Hitachi Foundation and Boston College Probe Corporate Social Responsibility in 2009, and Joyce Foundation/CLASP Launch Transmissions. CAAL E-News Issue #4 (October 21, 2009) – Focus On: The Power of Technology to Transform Adult Learning (new CAAL report), CAAL News in Brief, and Also Worthy of Note (John Jay Report on Incarceration and Education, Innovative Education Needed for Working Learners, P/PV Reports on Working Dads, Bridges to Opportunity from Ford Foundation, Qualifying Young Adults for Skilled Work). CAAL E-News Issue #3 (October 8, 2009) – Rebuilding NIFL for the 21st Century (New CAAL report), CAAL News in Brief, and Also Worthy of Note (new NCEE One Step Forward publications, Model Training Program in Florida, Abt Directory of Federal Funding Sources). CAAL E-News Issue #2 (July 17, 2009) – News in Brief, Expanding Horizons, CAAL Project on NIFL, Green Job Training Grants, Shifting Gears Website Launched, and New Guide for Community Literacy Coalition. Focus On: The Adult Education and Economic Growth Act. CAAL E-News Issue #1 (May 11, 2009) – News in Brief, CAAL Technology Project in Progress, NAM/ACT Workforce Readiness Credential Launched, and NIFL Online Learning Report. Point of View: Workforce Organizations Moving Toward Consensus on WIA Reauthorization. |
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