Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
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Eloquent Speech by Senator Jack Reed (June 25, 2014) on the Occasion of the Senate's Passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. It speaks for itself!

Congressional Press Release About Letters in Support of WIOA (June 5, 2014) — letters giving strong support for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, from the National Governors Association, the US Conference of Mayors, and many other business, governmental, and education leadership organizations including adult education.

CAAL's WIOA Support Letter (May 23, 2014) — Expressing support for the overall bill, including its Title II provisions with exceptions and concerns broadly indicated, particularly the paucity of funding.

Senate and House WIOA Release Materials (May 21, 2014) — the press release, summary documents, and full bill for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, of May 21, 2014.

Letter to Senator Johnny Isakson Urging Continued Bipartisan Approach to Advancing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) in 2013, May 1, 2013 — by Mark Musick, Member of National Commission on Adult Literacy, President Emeritus of the Southern Regional Education Board, and former Chair of the Georgia Workforce Investment Board.

CAAL Thank You & Support Letters to Representatives John Tierney, George Miller, and Ruben Hinojosa, March 27, 2012 — for crafting and introducing the Workforce Investment Act of 2012 (HR4227) regarding reform and reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. While CAAL believes some of the bill's provisions need strengthening and clarification, we have pledged our support and that of the National Commission on Adult Literacy to be as helpful as we can when the process unfolds in the coming weeks and months to merge the House Democratic and Republican versions of WIA.

CAAL Letter to Senator Tom Harkin re Adult Education in the Rebuild America Act, February 6, 2012 — a letter on behalf of the National Commission on Adult Literacy urging that the Senator's emphasis on investing in education and job training be further strengthened by giving explicit attention to the role that Adult Education must play in preparing our 21st Century workforce.

CAAL E-Mail Comments on the Draft Strategic Plan for 2011-2014 of the U.S. Department of Education, January 25, 2012 — two pages of general comments and specific suggestions to enhance adult education and workforce development in the Plan.

Letters to House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees and Super Committee, October 25, 2011 — Letters from members of the National Commission on Adult Literacy to the full membership of the House and Senate Subcommittees on Labor, Health & Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, and to the membership of the "Super Committee," urging that funding for adult education and workforce skills programs be not only held constant but increased in FY12. The case for these recommendations is explicitly stated in the letters.

Letter to House and Senate Leadership re Importance of WIA to the American Jobs Act, September 15, 2011 — A letter by CAAL from members of the National Commission on Adult Literacy to Senators Harkin and Enzi and Reps. Kline and Miller on the importance of WIA and the Adult Education and Economic Growth Act to achieving the goals of the President's new Jobs Act, and on enacting this legislation in the near future.

Letter of Support for Senate HELP Committee WIA Draft, June 24, 2011 — A letter indicating enthusiastic support for the Senate WIA draft by CAAL and the National Commission on Adult Literacy, expressing intent to help move the bill through the full Senate.

Senate HELP Committee WIA Draft, CAAL Comments and Suggestions, June 17, 2011 — A letter to the HELP Committee Senators Murray, Enzi, Isakson, and Harkin is accompanied by 17 pages of invited comments and suggestions on the Senate HELP Committee's Discussion Draft for the Workforce Investment Act.

Letter to Preserve and Restore Funding of Employment and Training Programs of DOL and HHS, May 16, 2011 — to Members of House Appropriations and Authorizing Committees, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, and Progressive Caucus. CAAL was one of 53 signatory organizations, including the corrdinating agency, the National Skills Coalition.

Letter on Workforce Budgets & Appropriations (to Senate and House Appropriations and Budget Leaders, the White House, and OMB, January 31, 2011, nearly 50 signatories including CAAL, representing a wide cross-section of stakeholders, effort coordinated by Jobs for the Future)

Letter on Importance of Reforming & Reauthorizing WIA (to Senate and House leadership of the U.S. Congress, November 29, 2010, from 18 national and state organizations and members of the National Commission on Adult Literacy)

Group of Five Letter to WIA Reauthorization Team (May 26, 2010) — prepared by the following signatory organizations: Center for Law and Social Policy, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, CAAL, Jobs for the Future, and the National Skills Coalition.

Congressional Tribute to Harold W. McGraw, Jr. (Senator Christopher Dodd, Congressional Record, February 22, 2010)

CAAL Voices for WIA Letter (Spangenberg, November 5, 2009)

Dollar General, CAAL Launch Independent Blue-Ribbon Adult Literacy Commission (October 9, 2006)

New Caal Report Urges National Opportunity System for Adults (February 9, 2005)

CAAL Letter regarding HR1261 to Advisory Board of National Institute for Literacy (May 20, 2003)

Task Force Named For Community College Project (February 11, 2003)

Announcing CAAL's Community College Project (January 6, 2003)

CAAL Letter to Congressional Leaders & U.S. Department of Education In Support of Adult Literacy & NIFL (Sept. 22, 2001)

A Message From CAAL's Founder on the Launch of CAAL

Press Release Announcing CAAL's Formation (June 5, 2001)

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