Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
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National Commission on Adult Literacy
Reach Higher, America
Report Release Event
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
June 26th, 2008

The following DVD segments are viewable online with current verisons of QuickTime and Flash on Mac and PC platforms with high-speed connections. [Note: A single full-length DVD is available from CAAL for $10 including postage for those who cannot access these files or who may wish to present the program offline to colleagues. Contact]

DVD Part 1 (12 min, 50 secs)
David Perdue, Commission Chairman
Congressman Patrick Kennedy (intent to legislate)
Click here for Flash viewing. Click here for QuickTime viewing.

DVD Part 2 (19 min, 36 secs)
Leon Harris, Moderator (ABC-TV News Anchorman, Washington, DC)
Cheryl King, Study Director (report findings and recommendations)
Hon. Ray Marshall, Commissioner & Former U.S. Secretary of Labor (importance of legislation for business and labor)
Click here for Flash viewing. Click here for QuickTime viewing.

DVD Part 3 (20 min, 42 secs)
Panel Presentation: Part III
Congressman Ruben Hinojosa (intent to legislate)
Sharon Darling, Commissioner (importance of findings and recommendations for U.S. social fabric)
Gov. Gerald Baliles (findings and recommendations as related to state economic growth)
Click here for Flash viewing. Click here for QuickTime viewing.

DVD Part 4 (7 min, 22 secs)
Oghay Kherzai (personal importance of ESL/adult education to her after immigrating from Afghanistan to U.S.)
Leon Harris (concluding remarks)
David Perdue (challenge and concluding remarks)
Click here for Flash viewing. Click here for QuickTime viewing.

DVD Part 5 (19 min, 06 secs)
Panel responses to audience questions
(Note: Audience questions were inaudible and thus cannot be presented
but areas of questioning are apparent from content of panel responses.)
Click here for Flash viewing. Click here for QuickTime viewing.


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